Dr. Carmine Scavo

Dr. Carmine Scavo
Title: Professor, Director, Graduate Studies & Director, MPA Program (Ph.D., University of Michigan)
Office: Brewster A-135
Office Phone: (252) 737-2335
Fax: (252) 328-4134
Email Address: scavoc@ecu.edu
Teaching Areas: Domestic Public Policy, State and Local Government, Media and Politics, Voting Behavior and Public Opinion
Research Interests: Urban Politics, Local Government, Electoral Behavior

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Dr. Carmine Scavo is Professor of Political Science, Graduate Director and Director of the Master of Public Administration program. He teaches graduate courses in policy analysis and intergovernmental relations and undergraduate courses in state and local government and political methodology. His published work has appeared in such journals as Public Administration Review, Urban Affairs Review, Publius: the Journal of Federalism, and The Journal of Urban Affairs. He was a contributing author to the 16th edition of State and Local Government by the People. Since 1985, he and Charles Prysby of UNC-Greensboro have produced the award-winning Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research SETUPS (Supplementary Empirical Teaching Unit in Political Science)–now a web-based project to teach undergraduate and graduate students the basics of conducting data analysis on large survey data sets. Professor Scavo received his PhD from the University of Michigan after undergraduate and master’s work at the University of Virginia and the College of William and Mary.

Dr. Scavo’s Online Materials
Curriculum Vitae
Syllabus, PADM 6100, Politics and Management in Public Agencies (PDF)
Syllabus, PADM 6161, Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation (PDF)
Syllabus, PADM 6170, Distance Education Cours (PDF)