Dr. Marie Olson Lounsbery

Dr. Marie Olson Lounsbery
Title: Professor, Ph.D. (Wayne State University)
Office: Brewster A-115
Office Phone: (252) 328-2349
Fax: (252) 328-4134
Email Address: Olsonlounsberym@ecu.edu
Teaching Areas:
Research Interests: Causes, processes and resolution of war, particularly war occurring within states

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Dr. Marie Olson Lounsbery is a Professor of Political Science at East Carolina University. Her research examines civil war and rebel group dynamics, military intervention, and peace processes. Her most recent book is Conflict Dynamics: Civil Wars, Armed Actors, and Their Tactics (University of Georgia Press, 2017, with Alethia Cook). Dr. Olson teaches international relations, methodology, peace and conflict courses for the department.

Dr. Olson Lounsbery’s CV

Selected Syllabi
Syllabus: Graduate Level Course on Civil Wars
Syllabus: Undergraduate Course on Peace and Conflict in the Post-Cold War Era

Data Section

Olson Lounsbery and Cook 2011 JPR Replication Data & ‘Do’ File
Replication “.do” file: “Assessing the Risk Posed by Terrorist Groups: Identifying Motivating Factors and Threats.” Political Violence and Terrorism 23(5): 711-729, with Alethia Cook
Replication Data file: “Assessing the Risk Posed by Terrorist Groups: Identifying Motivating Factors and Threats.” Political Violence and Terrorism 23(5): 711-729, with Alethia Cook

Files for Foreign Military Intervention, Power Dynamics and Rebel Group Cohesion Project

Rebel Group Dynamics Codebook

Online Appendix

Replication Data