Dr. Jason Pudlo

Title: Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (University of Oklahoma)
Office: A-117
Office Phone: (252) 737-2336
Fax: (252) 328-4134
Email Address: pudloj22@ecu.edu
Dr. Jason M. Pudlo is a public administration professor and researcher. His work focuses on community disaster resilience and disaster preparedness.
He became interested in disaster resilience after first-hand experiences with community disaster response in the wake of the Joplin 2011 and Moore 2013 tornadoes. Through his research and consulting, Dr. Pudlo partners with communities, houses of worship, and other researchers to improve resiliency and readiness.
Dr. Pudlo’s research has included disaster and risk communication, organizational disaster readiness, and disaster preparedness among vulnerable populations. He is especially interested in the various intersections of religion, climate, and disaster.
Grant funded projects have focused on congregations and disaster preparedness. Community-engaged work has explored ways to improve efficiency at emergency communication centers and local government. He has also been a member of research working groups studying the impacts of compounding crises during extreme weather and on vulnerable communities.
His academic publications have appeared in PS: Political Science & Politics, Public Administration Review, Social Science Quarterly, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and the Journal of Emergency Management. Many of these publications are the result of collaborative efforts with other scholars.
Dr. Pudlo teaches at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. Course topics include disaster studies, public administration, and research design. He holds an M.A. in Religious Studies from Missouri State University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Oklahoma.