Dr. Sharon Paynter

Dr. Sharon R. Paynter
Title: Assistant Vice Chancellor for Economic and Community Engagement and Associate Professor, Ph.D. (North Carolina State University)
Office: Willis 300
Office Phone: (252) 328-9480
Fax: (252) 328-4134
Email Address: paynters@ecu.edu
Teaching Areas: Nonprofit Management; Public Administration; State and Local Government; Public Policy
Current Research Interests: Hunger, Poverty, and Public Policy; Public Service Motivation, Community-University Partnerships

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Dr. Sharon R. Paynter serves as the Chief Innovation Engagement Officer at East Carolina University and Associate Professor of Political Science. She joined ECU in 2009 after completing a postdoctoral fellowship in Public Policy at Brown University. Her research areas include state policy, public-private partnerships, public service, and community engaged scholarship. Her work has been published in journals including the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, State and Local Government Review, and Policy Studies Journal. Sharon is a nationally recognized leader in community engagement, economic development, and innovation occurring through partnerships between institutions of higher education and their external partners.

Dr. Paynter’s Online Materials

Selected Syllabi
PADM 6100
PADM 6101
PADM 6240
POLS 3240

Recent Research
Jacobson, W. S., and Paynter, S. R. (2018). Verdict Pending: Understanding Leadership Role Identity for North Carolina Judges and Lawyers. Public Personnel Management (https://doi.org/10.1177/0091026018814566).
Paynter, S.R. (forthcoming) “Power to the People and the Corporations They Run.” Book Review of Empowering the Public-Private Partnership: The Future of America?s Local Government, by George Voinovich. Public Administration Review.

Research: Engaged Scholarship
Paynter, S.R., and Berner, M.M. (2014). “Measuring Organizational Capacity.” Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 37(2) (PDF).
Paynter, S.R. (2014). “Tackling Wicked Problems through Engaged Scholarship.” Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 7(1): 48-59 (PDF).
Paynter, S.R. (2013). “Collaborative Public Management as a Hunger Prevention Strategy.” Journal of Extension, 51(1)(PDF).

Research: Public Management
Jolley, G.J., and Paynter, S.R. (2013). “Multijurisdictional Industrial Parks and Revenue Sharing: An Application of Growth Pole Theory.” Journal of Public Administration and Governance 3(2) (PDF).
Jolley, G.J., Lane, E. B., and Paynter, S.R. (2013). “Who Benefits from Job Creation Tax Credits?” Coastal Business Journal 35(1)(PDF).
Clerkin, R.M., Paynter, S.R., and Taylor, J.K. (2009). “Public Service Motivation in Undergraduate Giving and Volunteering Decisions.” American Review of Public Administration, 39(6)(PDF).
Paynter, S.R. and Kearney, R.C. (2009). “Who Watches the Watchmen? Evaluating Judicial Performance in the American States.” Administration and Society, 41(8)(PDF).

Research: Social Policy
Paynter, S.R., Jolley, G.J. and Nousaine, A. (2014).”Policy Implications of Projecting the Multiplier Effects of Social Safety Net Programs Using IMPLAN: Reevaluating the Economic Impact of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.” State and Local Government Review 46(1): 28-45 (PDF).
Paynter, S.R., Berner, M.M., and Anderson, E.U. (2010). “When the Even the “Dollar Value Meal” Costs Too Much: Food Insecurity and Long Term Dependence on Food Pantry Assistance.” Public Administration Quarterly, 35(1)(PDF).
Berner, M.M., Ozer, T., and Paynter, S.R. (2008). “A Portrait of Hunger, the Social Safety Net, and the Working Poor.” Policy Studies Journal, 36(3)(PDF).

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects Total: $4,321,736

Recent Awards


National Science Foundation, $1,999,736 (Co-Investigator; S. Moysey, Principal Investigator)

2021 – 2026

Award Number (FAIN): 2125684

Project Title: NRT-HDR: Finding Signal in the Noise to Enable Science-Based Community Response to Change in Coastal Region          

United States Department of Agriculture, (Principal Investigator), $75,000

2020 – 2021

Project Title: 2019 Indicators of the U.S. Biobased Economy


Golden LEAF Foundation (Co-Principal Investigator), $1,030,000

2019 – 2023

Project Title: Rural Innovations Strengthening Eastern North Carolina 29 Counties                        


State Employees Credit Union Foundation (Principal Investigator), $750,000

2015 – 2022